It's Nice to Meet you!
The Linn County Pioneer Association runs the Pioneer Picture Gallery, where visitors can peruse hundreds of pioneer era photos of times long past. See Linn County's original pioneer architecture, clothing, events, activities, and the people who built the area into what it is today.
We works year-round to put on the Linn County Pioneer Picnic in Brownsville, Oregon's longest continuously running celebration. So many community members and organizations come together for this special 3-day weekend and there's something for everyone. Please explore all of the planned activities and read about the event's history. Also, if you're looking for get involved or volunteer, we would love to speak with you.
We're comprised of volunteers who love our community, cherish the area's rich history, and use our varied strengths to come together for a greater good. We are always looking for new volunteers to make our endeavors bigger and better. We would love to have you aboard!
Pioneer Association Board Members
President- Debie Wyne
Vice President- Betsy Ramshur
Secretary- Holly Gosda
Treasurer- Leisa Keyser
Director -Karen Grant
Director - Linda McCormick
Director -Marilee Frazier
Director - Amieca Henson
Director- Rhian Hollister
Director- Celia Lemhouse
Director- Saydey Johnson